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The Local Repo

LocalModules additionally supports setting up a local repository for testing PS module publishing.


When you are ready to publish your module officially, for example to, you want to test the publishing process and you can do this with a local file share repository (1).

  1. 2. Kevin Marquette's article about file share repositories.

LocalModules Powershell module additionally enables you to set up a local repository on your system to the folder $HOME\LocalRepo.

Local Repo cmdlets overview

Set up a local file share repository named LocalRepo.
Remove the LocalRepo repository and all modules that are contained.


Setting up the repo:

PS:> Set-LRepo
Checking out LocalRepo:

PS:> Get-PSRepository

Name                      InstallationPolicy   SourceLocation
----                      ------------------   --------------
PSGallery                 Untrusted  
LocalRepo                 Trusted              C:\Users\<youser>\LocalRepo

Publishing to LocalRepo:

PS:> Publish-Module -Path <Path/to/modulefolder> -Repository LocalRepo

Installing a module from LocalRepo:

PS:> Install-Module -Name <my_mod_name> -Repository LocalRepo

Removing the repo

PS:> Remove-LRepo